How to Communicate Properly With Conflicted Personalities

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Personality conflicts are one of the biggest challenges in a workplace. They can lead to poor morale and destructive working relationships. But they can also be resolved by understanding and addressing the issues in a constructive way. This can be done by making conflict resolution the pri

Personality conflicts are one of the biggest challenges in a workplace. They can lead to poor morale and destructive working relationships.

But they can also be resolved by understanding and addressing the issues in a constructive way. This can be done by making conflict resolution the priority rather than winning or “being right.”

1. Listen carefully to the other person’s words.

One of the most important things you can do is listen carefully. This means that you pay attention to the words that your conflicted person is saying and try to understand what they are trying to communicate to you.

You should also pay attention to the person’s body language and tone of voice. This is particularly important when there is a conflict because your body language and tone of voice are very effective in conveying your feelings.

If you are listening with your full attention, this will help the other person feel heard and respected. This will make them more likely to remain calm during the discussion.

2. Listen carefully to the other person’s body language.

While words are often what people really mean, body language can also be an important clue. You can easily tell by looking at a person’s facial expressions, tone of voice and gestures whether they are being honest or withholding information.

The hands leak a lot of nonverbal information, so pay close attention to how a person’s hands are being held when speaking. They may indicate defensiveness, a sense of being uncomfortable or something else entirely.

Show your attentiveness by maintaining eye contact, smiling and nodding at the right moments. This can help the other person feel that you are genuinely listening to what they have to say and that they are being heard.

3. Ask open-ended questions.

Often, the first step in communicating properly with conflicted personalities is to ask open-ended questions. This is important because it allows people to express their thoughts and opinions more freely than closed-ended questions, which can only be answered with one word or a few words.

For example, a common job interview question is, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” This kind of question requires more than a simple yes or no answer. It can only be answered with a unique perspective that usually prompts a longer conversation.

This is particularly helpful when resolving conflict during mediation or other similar processes, as it encourages people to think about how they may be reacting in the other person’s shoes. This also helps them to consider what they might learn from the situation that could help them in the future. If you like this article, feel free to check other articles and essays on "write my essay for free" type of website.

4. Ask for specific details.

One of the best ways to communicate with a conflicted colleague is to keep the lines of communication open and not let the slings and arrows get in the way. In order to do that you need to have a good handle on the situation and a clear set of goals for which you need to achieve. Ideally you will be able to articulate your desired outcomes and the other party will have similar goals. In the end that is all it takes to turn the table on the slings and arrows. The ensuing conversation will be far more productive and you’ll be much more likely to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

5. Ask for feedback.

Getting feedback from multiple people, including clients and team members, is an important part of learning. It helps you get a broader perspective and improve your communication skills.

If you’re a leader, consider asking your team for feedback on specific areas of their work. This can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and create a plan to improve.

When it comes to giving feedback, keep in mind the tenets of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). You want to be clear and concise and ask for actionable takeaways that you can implement immediately.
