Give Managers a Chance Give Managers a Chance

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Give Managers a Chance Give Managers a Chance

In light of recent criticism of managers trying to impart their own impre sion on a football club, everyone should be taking a look at Charlton Athletic and Chris Powell. The appointment appeared more as publicity than succe s when he took over in January 2010, a fairy-tale for any Charlton fan, who had seen him develop through three stints at the club, culminating in a goal at the north end in a 5 minute cameo v Coventry City on his last ever game. When he ran out of the tunnel and punched the air, when he circled the stadium with his children after the game, many Charlton fans believed they would never see his face again.After a 3-2 defeat to Swindon live on Sky in early January, the new owners, who had seen Parkinson preside over a fairly poor run of results, decided to Chicago Bulls Jeresy show him the door. The hunt was on for a new manager, and names such as Wise and Howe were the favourites. Then one day, a new name appeared on the pages of the majority of major bookiesChris Powell.For anyone connected with Charlton, a club that had suffered so much for the past 5 or 6 years, it was a no-brainer. He would give the club the lift they so desperately wanted. A true legend returning to the club. And so it was, that just a few days later, he was installed as the new Charlton Athletic manager.Truth is, that the early part of Powells career at Charlton did not go well. After four straight wins, the majority of which were seen as lucky, Powells team scraped through to the end of the season, finishing a lowly thirteenth in the league. The fairy-tale seemed to be over before it had started, and the team were Garrett Temple Jersey regularly booed off the pitch. Powell kept telling the fans to give him until summer, time to get his own team together, then judge him from the start of next season.So the summer started, and Powell lived up to his word. Almost twenty players came, almost twenty players went, as Powell dispensed of those who hadnt been delivering on the field, drawing together a team for very little money, and beginning to shape a squad which could compete from August. There were plenty of questions still being asked by the Charlton fans. Kris Dunn Jersey How would the squad develop? How would they play together?19 games later, Charlton sit top of the league, having lost only two games, and with the best defensive record in the league. They have looked better this season than since their Premiership years, and there is a belief in the club that finally the fans can look up instead of down.At Wigan, similar scenes are perhaps starting to emerge. Since Roberto Martinez has taken over, Wigan have hardly set the world alight. However, he has been given time, and slowly but surely he is developing the Wigan that he wants. They have begun to expand areas of the club off the pitch, grown a team through youth talent and little money, and whilst Wigan seem to flirt with relegation every year, Martinez is on the verge of creating a much more stable club than they have had there for several years.At Chelsea, the same needs to be done. Since Jose left, managers have come and gone more often than I care to mention. The team has never really grown, there have been minor changes, but the truth is that some players still remain from Mourinhos team of 4 or 5 years ago. The team continue to build around these few players, but the truth is they are becoming past it. Terry has lost any shadow of pace that he used to have, Drogba is no longer the dominant force that he once was, and Cech hasnt looked the same since his head injury. As a result, this season has seen them begin to falter, with results going against them against some of the weakest teams in the league. Villas Boas has been under a lot of criticism from the fans for the way Chicago Bulls Hats his team have performed, but maybe this is the fault of the team, and not of the way theyre being managed.It wasnt that long ago that Chelsea were just an average Premier League team. Going back to Charlton, there were several seasons where these two teams would compete as equals, Charlton often getting the better of them. It was only after the billionaire investment that Chelsea started to improve and become one of the biggest teams in the league. Whilst they wont return to the days of being an average team, maybe it will take a year without a top four finish, or a serious challenge on the title, for Chelsea to get their big succe ses again. If the Luke Kornet Jersey board decide to give Villas Boas time, just like Martinez at Wigan, and Powell at Charlton, Chelsea could become one of the greatest teams in the world. The danger is that if they sack Villas Boas, the aging Mourinho base may continue to play, and the squad will slowly slide away from the top four.