How to write an essay conclusion

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An essay conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay that summarizes the main points made in the body of the essay and provides a final perspective on the topic.

An essay conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay that summarizes the main points made in the body of the essay and provides a final perspective on the topic. The conclusion is intended to leave a lasting impression on the reader and should restate the thesis statement in a fresh and compelling way, while also providing closure to the essay. It may also offer insights, recommendations, or suggestions for further research or action related to the topic. How To Write An Essay Fast Overall, the conclusion should be well-written and thought-provoking, leaving the reader with a sense of satisfaction and understanding of the essay’s purpose and significance.

The length of a conclusion can vary depending on the type of document or assignment you are writing. In general, a conclusion should be long enough to summarize the main points of your paper or argument and provide a sense of closure to your reader. For a shorter essay or paper, a conclusion may be only a few sentences or a short paragraph. Write An Essay Introduction In contrast, a longer research paper or thesis may require a more substantial conclusion that summarizes the main findings, discusses the implications of the research, and offers suggestions for future research.As a general guideline, a conclusion should be about 5-10% of the total length of your paper. However, the most important factor in determining the length of your conclusion is that it effectively and clearly communicates your main points and leaves a lasting impression on your reader.

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