Artesunate 100 mg Ridsunate Tablets Effected to Malaria Disease

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One of the most well-known diseases that humans have ever battled is malaria. Doctors and researchers eventually discovered a treatment for this illness. In both mild and severe cases of malaria, prompt treatment is essential.

One of the most well-known diseases that humans have ever battled is malaria. Doctors and researchers eventually discovered a treatment for this illness. In both mild and severe cases of malaria, prompt treatment is essential.

Doctors typically advise patients to take Artesunate 100 mg to combat this disease. The patient will be given the more beneficial route of administration for his treatment because this medication is available in both oral and injection forms.

The antiparasitic drug artesunate contains unique ingredients like 8-aminoquinoline. Which aids the body's defense mechanism against parasites responsible for malaria? This medication cannot prevent malaria, but it can be used to treat it if it is still in the primary stage and only mildly advanced.

To prepare yourself before taking Artesunate, you can find some of the most important information about this drug right here. This amount of information is sufficient for beginners to understand how pills work.

Uses of Artesunate 100 mg

The virus that causes malaria is spread among people by mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites its host, its larvae are released into the body and cause malaria. The treatment of malaria is one of this drug's main applications.

The doctors examine the patient's condition and, based on their findings, recommend this medication. Additionally, the patient may suggest alternative therapies if their condition is worse. In the following situations, it would be best if you avoided taking Artesunate:

  • If the malaria situation has gotten worse.
  • The medication is ineffective.
  • Significant side effects are being experienced.

How does Artesunate 100 mg work?

This medicine has been beneficial in treating Malaria all over the world. For early treatment, when the disease is not that bad, doctors always suggest patients start using this medicine.

Artesunate 100 mg has certain amino chemicals attached to malaria-causing parasites in the human body. Over time, these chemicals weaken the parasites and kill them. But the medicine works to treat a specific degree of disease.

Although this medicine cannot prevent malaria attacks, if you have a severe degree of disease, Artesunate might not work either. If the doctor sees it right, he can increase the dose quantity.

Side Effects of Artesunate 100 mg

The potential side effects of this medication have been the subject of numerous scientific studies. Inappropriate dosage intake has been the cause of side effects in some patients. The normal person should be involved in experimenting with medicines.

Some side effects you might see while taking this medicine are mentioned below. If you observe any of these actions in your body, immediately contact your specialist doctor.

Common Side Effects

Some of the common side effects that appear in most patients and are not that dangerous are:

  • Anemia
  • Pneumonia
  • Increased Transaminase
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

Severe Side Effects

Some patients taking a high dose of Artesunate might face severe side effects. They are mentioned below:

  • Lymphatic System Disorder
  • Gastrointestinal Disorder
  • Pyrexia
  • Skin Rashes
  • Lymphopenia

Interaction with Ritonavir or Nevirapine

According to numerous reports, when ritonavir or nevirapine are combined with artesunate 100 mg, the effectiveness of the combination is decreased, and the subsequent benefits of artesunate may not be as great. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications.

Interaction with Pregnant Ladies

Malaria poses a serious risk to both pregnant women and their unborn children. Early intervention is therefore crucial. For this treatment, artesunate has proven to be very effective and is safe for both mother and child.

Depending on the condition of the mother and the disease's stage, the doctor may adjust the dosage.

Effect on Body Organs

This medicine might have some effects on different body parts if you don’t take the dose into consideration. Some of the vital organ disorders you might get are:

  • Skin Rashes
  • Liver Infection
  • Kidney Disorder
  • Sleeplessness
  • Blurriness

Dose of Artesunate 100 mg

The main component of any medication therapy is the dose. It could become dangerous for the patient if the amount is lower or higher than recommended. Therefore, be certain that you comprehend the dosage information that your doctor provided.

The patient's dosage of 100 mg of artesunate has been specified. But before using it, you should also talk to your doctor.

Dose for Kids

Depending on the age group, different amounts of Artesunate injection are administered. Kids can receive 2.4 mg/kg IV doses at ages 0, 12, and 24. Take 1 to 2 minutes and inject the substance slowly.

Dose for Adults

The amount is the same for grownups. Use a 2.4 mg/kg IV at 0, 12, and 24 hours. Depending on the stage of malaria, the injection dose can be altered. However, speak with your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Preparation of Artesunate for Injection

You can also inject the patient with the medication if he is unable to consume it orally. Artesunate will be combined with 12 mL of sterile sodium phosphate buffer at pH 8.0 to prepare the injection.

In that injection, you may use 11 mL of artesunate. Do not shake the injection; instead, swirl it before injecting.

Safety Advice

If you do not exercise caution, all medications will become dangerous. Consumers may experience severe side effects as a result of a simple error or carelessness. To prevent harm, be sure to abide by the following precautions:

  • Maintain a dry, comfortable environment in the drug storage facility.
  • Keep all medications out of the reach of children.
  • To prevent serious side effects, do not combine 100 mg of artesunate with DHA or UGT inducers.
  • To prevent any accidents on the road, we advise you not to dive while taking this medication because it could make you dizzy.
  • Make sure the person administering the injection of Artesunate is skilled and aware of when to do so.
  • The medication needs to be taken orally with lots of water.  
  • Do not tamper with your medication; only take the dose that your doctor or pharmacist prescribed.
  • Immediately get in touch with your doctor and explain your issue if you experience any of the above-mentioned side effects.
  • Breastfeeding mothers can take this medication without concern, but pregnant women should speak to their doctor before doing so.
  • If you have severe malaria, go to the hospital right away and avoid taking this medication until you have seen a doctor.


For many years, artesunate 100 mg has been secure and efficient against malaria. The outcomes have pleased both doctors and patients.

You will soon see the results if you follow the dosage instructions and take good care of yourself. Always consult your doctor before taking these medicines.
