Deceased credit report

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A deceased credit report is a term used to describe a credit report that falsely identifies a consumer as deceased, despite being alive.

Our experience as attorneys practicing in this area has shown that such errors are almost always due to data errors.
This article explains how a false deceased designation can occur.

There are four main ways that incorrect information about your death can be added to your profile: Finally, fraud can result in false information being added to your profile.

 Input error, co-signer death, mixed files, and fraud. Input error occurs when data is mistakenly entered into a system associated with one of your accounts.

 Co-signer death can inadvertently flag you as deceased if you hold or have held any joint or affiliated accounts. If this happens, an attorney can help clear up the discrepancy.

Mixed files can also lead to incorrect information being added to your profile.  “Mixed files” refers to a credit profile on a single individual that mistakenly contains data from one or more other individuals. Input errors or poor data-gathering protocols by the credit reporting agencies can cause mixed files.

In cases of identity theft, if you are falsely marked as deceased, it means that the data error that erroneously flagged you as deceased is due to criminal activity that caused confusion and misinformation with respect to your data.

How an Attorney Can Help When Your Credit Report Incorrectly

Any inaccurate, misleading, or false information in your credit report falls within the practice area of consumer protection law. Attorneys who specialize in this area can help you fight and win the complicated battle of correcting errors on your credit report, including the incorrect label of 'deceased'.

Attorneys who specialize in this area can help you fight and win the complicated battle of correcting errors on your credit report, including the incorrect label of 'deceased'. Attorneys who specialize in this area can help you fight and win the complicated battle of correcting errors on your credit report, including the incorrect label of 'deceased'. Such errors can cause significant problems, but with the help of a skilled attorney, you can fight back against these inaccuracies.

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