What are the basics of Selenium automation testing?

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A Selenium Automation Testing Company specializes in utilizing the Selenium framework for automating web applications to enhance software testing processes.

Web browser automation can be achieved with the open-source Selenium framework. The fundamentals of Selenium automation testing services are as follows:

1. Web-Driver:

  • The WebDriver API, which offers a programming interface for interacting with web browsers, is the central component of Selenium.
  • With WebDriver, you can programmatically control a browser's functions, including opening and closing tabs, clicking components, opening URLs, completing forms, and more.

2. Accepted Web Browsers:

  • Numerous browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and others, are supported by Selenium testing companies.
  • With Selenium, you can develop scripts that function in multiple browsers without having to make major changes to the code.

3. Support for Programming Languages:

  • Programming languages supported by Selenium include Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript.
  • You can select a language based on the experience of your team or the needs of your project.

4. Locators:

  • Web objects like buttons, input forms, and links on a page can be found and interacted with using locators.
  • ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, and XPath are examples of common locators.

5. Commands for WebDriver:

  • Selenium offers a collection of commands, like click(), sendKeys(), getText(), and submit(), to carry out operations on web elements.
  • You can mimic user interactions with the web application by using these instructions.

6. Harmonisation:

  • Testing automated systems requires careful handling of synchronization. Selenium offers ways to delay actions until a certain condition is met or until elements are clickable, present, or visible.

7. Claims:

  • When a test is being executed, assertions are used to confirm that specific requirements are met.
  • Selenium provides support for assertions via a number of methods, including assertTrue() and assertEquals().

8. Examine Frameworks:

  • Selenium is frequently used alongside other test frameworks, such as JUnit, TestNG, or NUnit.
  • Test frameworks offer a framework for managing setup and teardown, classifying test cases, and producing reports.

9. Model of Pages Objects (POM):

  • One popular design pattern in Selenium automation companies is POM. It facilitates the clean division of code that interacts with the web elements on the pages from code used for testing.
  • Because every web page is represented by a different class, the code is more modular and easier to maintain.