Pass the DELE Exam with Celas Maya

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We provide complete materials covering all parts of the DELE exam

Study Plans Just For You

At Celas Maya, we make customized study plans to get you ready for the DELE exam. Our teachers will check your current Spanish level and create a plan focusing on the areas you need to improve the most.

All the Materials You Need

We provide complete materials covering all parts of the DELE exam - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. We also have practice tests just like the real exam so you can get comfortable with the format.

Great Teachers

Our teachers are native Spanish speakers with lots of experience teaching and prepping students for the DELE exam. They are experts who will guide you step-by-step.

Study On Your Schedule

You can take classes in-person, online, or a mix of both. Our online classes let you learn whenever works best for you.

Start Preparing Today

Don't wait - sign up for DELE exam preparation at Celas Maya today! We'll help you get ready to pass the exam and improve your Spanish skills. Contact us now to get started on your path to success.
