Tips for High-Impact Corporate Gift Giving

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Cultivating gratitude is a common theme in today’s world. In business relationships, it is important to show longstanding clients, new clients, prospects and employees your appreciation.

Cultivating gratitude is a common theme in today’s world. In business relationships, it is important to show longstanding clients, new clients, prospects and employees your appreciation. A well-executed business gifting program that includes unique corporate gift baskets can help you achieve goals far beyond a display of gratitude. Thoughtful giving is a great investment that brings returns in goodwill and repeat business that far exceed the initial cash outlay. Here are some tips to guide you in gifting with impact.

Consider the Recipient

Think carefully about who is on the receiving end before choosing a gift. Is the intended recipient an individual who will enjoy your offering alone? Is your gift going to a team whose members will share the item? Considering the gift’s recipient or recipients will help you choose an appropriate gift.

Personalize the Gift

A gift sent to one person can be highly individualized. Take anything you know or can find out about the person into consideration when choosing your present. You may wish to choose items that speak to a person’s hobbies or passions such as art, delicious food, health or sports.

When it comes to choosing something for a team, think about their common values, goals or desires when making your selection. If you’re at a loss for ideas, remember that everybody likes to eat.

Consider the Timing

Nearly everyone gives and receives gifts around the holidays. Over half of all businesses engage in some type of giving during this season.

Do you want to see your present end up at the bottom of a pile of well-meaning offerings? Stand out by showing gratitude at different and unexpected times of the year.

Special days and milestones such as a business’s anniversary or meeting a major sales goal are wonderful opportunities to show you care.

When you invest a little extra effort and think creatively about your corporate gift giving, you open the door to reaping the benefits of the strong relationships you need to keep your business growing.
