10 Essential Tips for Choosing the Perfect BJJ Gi

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MMA Jitsu Gear offers a premium selection of BJJ Gis, No Gi rash guards, and top-quality Jiu Jitsu fightwear. Our products are designed for durability, comfort, and performance, catering to athletes of all levels. Whether you're training or competing, MMA Jitsu Gear ensures you have

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that combines ground fighting and submission holds, demanding both physical endurance and mental acuity. One of the most crucial elements for practitioners, from beginners to advanced, is selecting the right gi. A BJJ gi is more than just a uniform; it's an essential tool that can impact your performance, comfort, and progression in the sport. Here, we delve into 10 essential tips to help you choose the perfect BJJ gi, ensuring you have the best possible experience on the mats.

1. Understanding Gi Material

The material of a BJJ gi plays a significant role in its durability, weight, and comfort. BJJ gis are typically made from cotton or a cotton-polyester blend. The key types of weaves include:

  • Single Weave: Lightweight and usually more affordable, single weave gis are great for hot climates and beginners. However, they may not be as durable as other weaves.
  • Double Weave: These are heavier and more durable, providing excellent longevity. They might feel a bit stiff and can be warmer, which is something to consider if you train in a hot environment.
  • Gold Weave: A blend of single and double weaves, gold weave gis offer a good balance between weight and durability.
  • Pearl Weave: Increasingly popular, pearl weave gis are light, durable, and usually approved for competition.

Selecting the right material depends on your training environment, personal preference, and budget. For those training frequently or competing, investing in a higher-quality weave like pearl or gold can be beneficial.

2. Gi Fit and Size

A well-fitted gi is essential for comfort and performance. Gis come in various sizes, typically marked as A0, A1, A2, etc., where "A" stands for "Adult" and the number represents the size.

  • Body Type Considerations: BJJ practitioners come in all shapes and sizes, so it's crucial to try on different brands as their cuts can vary significantly. Some brands offer slim, regular, and husky cuts to accommodate different body types.
  • Shrinkage: Cotton gis will generally shrink after washing. Check whether the gi is pre-shrunk and factor in potential shrinkage when selecting your size.
  • Sleeve and Pant Lengths: Ensure the sleeves and pants are the right length. The cuffs should sit just above the wrists and ankles to comply with competition regulations and prevent opponents from easily gripping excess fabric.

3. Comfort and Mobility

Training in a gi that restricts movement can hinder your performance and cause unnecessary discomfort. Look for the following features to enhance comfort and mobility:

  • Reinforced Stress Points: High-quality gis often have reinforced stitching at stress points like the knees, shoulders, and cuffs, enhancing durability and comfort during rigorous training sessions.
  • Gussets and Panels: Some gis have added gussets and panels in the underarm or crotch area to improve flexibility and range of motion.
  • Lightweight Fabrics: For everyday training, a lightweight gi can provide greater mobility and keep you cooler during intense sessions.

4. Gi Weight

The weight of your gi can affect both your training and competition performance. Gis are generally categorized into light, middle, and heavy weights.

  • Lightweight Gis: These are typically under 400 grams and are ideal for warm climates and daily training. However, they may wear out faster.
  • Middleweight Gis: Weighing between 400-700 grams, these offer a balance of durability and comfort, suitable for both training and competition.
  • Heavyweight Gis: Over 700 grams, these provide maximum durability and are preferred by some practitioners for their robustness, though they can be hotter and less comfortable in warmer conditions.

Your choice should align with your training environment and frequency. Competitors might prefer lightweight gis for weigh-ins, while those focusing on intense daily training might opt for the durability of middleweight or heavyweight gis.

5. Aesthetic and Personal Style

While performance is paramount, the aesthetic appeal of your gi can also be important. Many practitioners take pride in their gi's appearance, which can reflect personal style and even boost confidence on the mats.

  • Color: Traditional colors are white, blue, and black, especially in competition settings. However, many brands offer a variety of colors and designs. Just be mindful of any competition regulations regarding gi color.
  • Brand Logos and Patches: Some practitioners prefer minimalist designs, while others enjoy gis adorned with brand logos, patches, or custom embroidery. Ensure any additions comply with competition rules if you plan to compete.
  • Personalization: Some brands offer customization options, allowing you to add your name, academy logo, or other personal touches.

6. Gi Durability

Investing in a durable gi is crucial, especially for regular practitioners. Durability is often influenced by the material and weave, as well as the quality of stitching and reinforcements.

  • High-Quality Stitching: Double or triple stitching at stress points increases the gi's lifespan. Check for reinforced areas such as the collar, cuffs, and knee regions.
  • Collar Quality: A thicker, well-constructed collar is harder for opponents to grip and can withstand more wear and tear.
  • Pant Durability: Look for reinforced knees and strong drawstring systems to prevent wear during intense training.

A durable gi might come with a higher upfront cost, but it often proves more cost-effective over time as it lasts longer and withstands rigorous training sessions.

7. Competition Requirements

If you plan to compete, your gi must meet certain standards set by organizations like the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF). Key requirements include:

  • Color: Typically, only white, blue, and black gis are allowed in IBJJF competitions.
  • Fit and Measurements: Sleeves must reach the wrist when arms are extended, and the pant length must cover the ankles. There are also specific requirements for collar thickness and gi weight.
  • Patches and Logos: Placement of patches and logos must adhere to competition guidelines, avoiding certain areas that might provide competitors with an unfair advantage.

Always check the latest competition rules to ensure your gi complies, preventing any last-minute issues that could disqualify you.

8. Price vs. Quality

Balancing price and quality is essential when choosing a short sleeve rash guards. While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper options, investing in a higher-quality gi can provide better durability, comfort, and performance.

  • Budget Gis: These are great for beginners or those on a tight budget, but they may not last as long or offer the same level of comfort as higher-end gis.
  • Mid-Range Gis: Offering a balance of quality and affordability, mid-range gis are suitable for regular practitioners looking for reliable performance.
  • High-End Gis: These gis often use premium materials and advanced construction techniques, providing excellent durability and comfort. They're ideal for serious practitioners and competitors.

Consider how often you train and your long-term goals in BJJ to determine the right investment level for your gi.

9. Gi Maintenance

Proper maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your gi, keeping it in top condition for training and competition.

  • Washing: Always follow the manufacturer's washing instructions. Typically, gis should be washed in cold water to prevent shrinkage and preserve fabric integrity. Avoid using bleach, as it can weaken the fabric.
  • Drying: Air drying is recommended to avoid shrinkage and prolong the gi's life. If you must use a dryer, use a low heat setting.
  • Storage: Store your gi in a cool, dry place to prevent mold and mildew. Regularly inspect your gi for any signs of wear and repair any minor damages promptly to prevent them from worsening.

By maintaining your gi properly, you ensure it remains long sleeve rash guards, hygienic, and durable, allowing you to focus on your training.

10. Rash Guards and Undergear

While the primary focus is on the gi, wearing the right undergear, such as long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards, can enhance comfort and hygiene.

  • Long Sleeve Rash Guards: These offer full arm coverage, protecting your skin from mat burn and reducing the risk of infections from mat-borne bacteria. They also provide an additional layer of warmth in cooler training environments.
  • Short Sleeve Rash Guards: Offering similar benefits with greater breathability, short sleeve rash guards are ideal for warmer climates or those who prefer less coverage.
  • Compression Gear: Wearing compression shorts or pants under your gi pants can help reduce muscle fatigue and wick away sweat, enhancing overall comfort.

Choose undergear that complements your training environment and personal preferences, ensuring you remain comfortable and protected during your sessions.


Selecting the perfect bjj gi involves considering various factors, from material and fit to durability and aesthetic appeal. By understanding these essential elements and balancing your preferences with practical needs, you can find a gi that enhances your training experience and supports your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Remember, your gi is more than just a uniform—it's an integral part of your BJJ practice. Take the time to choose wisely, and you'll reap the benefits on the mats, whether you're training, sparring, or competing.
