Do You Consider Life-Size Sex Dolls as Family Members?

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For some individuals, sex dolls transcend their role as mere sexual tools and become significant companions, even akin to family members.

For some individuals, sex dolls transcend their role as mere sexual tools and become significant companions, even akin to family members. These people often give their sex dolls names, form emotional bonds, and treat them as if they were in real relationships. While this might sound unusual, research suggests that humans can easily develop feelings and attachments to objects that exhibit human-like characteristics, even if they are not living beings.

Companionship and Control

With sexdolls, individuals can fulfill their sexual desires without the fear of rejection or emotional pain. Sex dolls are always accommodating, never complain, and do not make demands. This creates a dynamic where the owner has complete control, without the need for compromise or conflict. For some, this sense of control and the feeling of being needed are deeply satisfying.

Potential Risks

However, there are potential risks associated with treating TPE sex dolls as substitutes for real intimacy and family relationships. Over-reliance on sex dolls can lead to social isolation and depression, as they cannot replace genuine emotional connections with real people. Although sex dolls can offer temporary satisfaction, they ultimately cannot fulfill the deeper emotional needs that human relationships provide.

A Complex Issue

Whether sex dolls can be considered family members is a complex issue that varies from person to person. It depends on individual needs, the role that sex dolls play in one’s life, and how well these relationships are balanced with real human interactions. For some, custom sex dolls are perfect companions that bring lasting satisfaction and happiness. However, it is essential to recognize that they cannot replace relationships with real people. Ultimately, it is a personal choice, and as long as it does not harm oneself or others, choosing a lifestyle that suits you is entirely valid.

Psychological Substitution

Life-size sex dolls can provide satisfaction similar to love in psychology, with a tendency to foster feelings of control and possession. Some people may turn to sex dolls because they are dissatisfied with real life, struggle to form meaningful relationships, or cannot meet certain psychological needs in reality. The fantasy aspect of engaging with sex dolls can fulfill these needs. Sex dolls offer control and allure, allowing individuals to realize wishes and fantasies that may not be possible with real partners.


Sex is not inherently dirty, and choosing to use sex dolls is a personal decision. While sex dolls can offer significant emotional and sexual satisfaction, it is crucial to maintain a balance with real-life relationships to ensure overall well-being. As long as this choice does not harm oneself or others, it is a valid way to explore and meet personal needs.

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