How to Register an NGO: A Step-by-Step Guide

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I’m Komal Ahuja, and I’m dedicated to assisting NGOs with their legal and financial needs.

Thinking of starting your own NGO to make a meaningful impact in society? Here’s a straightforward guide to help you navigate through the registration process smoothly.

Understanding NGO Registration

NGO registration is crucial to establish your organization legally. It ensures credibility and eligibility for funding and partnerships. Depending on your country's regulations, NGOs can be registered under various Acts such as the Societies Registration Act, Trust Act, or Companies Act.

Types of NGO Registration

Society Registration:

Process: Form a Memorandum of Association (MOA) with details of objectives, members, and rules. Submit it along with required documents like address proof, ID proof, and photos.

FCRA Registration: Essential for receiving foreign funds, the FCRA registration process involves detailed scrutiny by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure compliance with laws governing foreign contributions.

Trust Registration:

Process: Create a Trust Deed outlining objectives, trustees, and operational rules. Registration requires submitting this deed along with proof of identity, address, and photos of trustees.

Section 8 Company Registration:

Process: This type is suitable for larger NGOs aiming for a more structured legal framework. It involves drafting Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association, similar to company registration.

Step-by-Step Guide to NGO Registration

Research and Planning:

Define your NGO's mission, vision, and objectives clearly.

Conduct a feasibility study to understand the need and impact of your NGO's activities.

Choose the Right Structure:

Decide whether to register as a society, trust, or Section 8 company based on your operational scale and objectives.

Prepare Documents:

Gather necessary documents such as ID proofs, address proofs, PAN cards, and photographs of all members or trustees.

Drafting Governing Documents:

Depending on your chosen structure, prepare MOA, Trust Deed, or Articles of Association.

Application Process:

Submit your application along with all required documents to the respective Registrar of Societies, Charity Commissioner, or Registrar of Companies.

FCRA Registration (if applicable):

Apply for FCRA registration separately if your NGO plans to receive foreign contributions. This involves detailed scrutiny by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

CSR-1 Registration Fees:

Understand and budget for the CSR-1 registration fees, which vary based on your NGO's structure and location.

Follow-Up and Compliance:

After submission, follow up with the authorities regularly to ensure smooth processing of your application.

Once registered, comply with all legal requirements such as filing annual reports, maintaining proper accounts, and renewing registration as required.


Registering an NGO involves meticulous planning, documentation, and adherence to legal processes. Choosing the right structure and understanding the nuances of FCRA registration and Society Registration are crucial steps in establishing a credible and impactful organization. By following this guide, you can navigate through the registration process efficiently and focus on achieving your NGO’s goals of contributing positively to society.
