Human Rights The concept of human rights refers to

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Human Rights The concept of human rights refers to

types of human rights
Human Rights The concept of human rights refers to all the basic rights and freedoms that every person in the world possesses,[1] and they have been classified into many classifications, and despite these classifications, the Human Protection Law stresses the interrelationship of all these rights together, and considers them rights

Universal and indivisible, and accordingly, a particular right cannot be considered more important than any other right.[2] Classical and social rights. The state has it, or what is known as the state’s negative obligation, i.e. the state’s obligation to refrain from taking some actions when exercising rights, and the state is obligated to respect these rights, and ensure that individuals and societies can enjoy them effectively,

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Such as; Civil and political rights. Social rights require the active intervention of the state, which is known as the positive commitment of the state, as it obliges it to provide certain guarantees that allow the possibility of enjoying those rights. Most social rights include some elements that require state intervention to facilitate their full exercise; Such as the right to food, the right to work, the right to housing, and the right to education. Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights In the following, civil, political, economic and social rights are mentioned

In detail: Civil and political rights Civil and political rights guarantee the opportunity for individuals to participate in the civil and political life of society and the state without any discrimination or the practice of any actions to suppress them. This category of rights protects individuals from the infringement of their rights by governments, social organizations and individuals,[4] and includes ; The right to a fair trial, freedom from torture, and the right to freedom of conscience and religion.5 Economic, social and cultural rights This classification includes human rights related to basic social and economic conditions necessary for a dignified life,[6] and these rights are protected by various international treaties. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is the most comprehensive treaty that provides protection for human rights at the international level,[7] and these rights relate to the rights of work and workers, the right to social security, food, water, and a healthy environment, Health, education, housing, and culture.[6]
