Elden Ring: The 10 Best Pieces of Armor to Wear to Avoid Holy Damage a

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As a Tarnished in Elden Ring, the average Tarnished will encounter many enemies in The Lands Between who are capable of dealing tremendous amounts of holy damage

As a Tarnished in Elden Ring, the average Tarnished will encounter many enemies in The Lands Between who are capable of dealing tremendous amounts of holy damage. Whether they serve Destined Death or have received blessings from the Erdtree itself, they have the ability to kill a large number of those who would seek to bring the demigods down.





Fortunately, there are strategies for avoiding enemies who deal with this particular type of elemental damage. The most important thing is to be properly armored for the task at hand. They can be found in locations ranging from Caelid to Leyndell, and they will protect Tarnished from even the most powerful incantations cast by gods and men.

Noble Bracelets with Arms and Godskin

On the bridge leading up to the Divine Tower of Liurnia, you can find an armor piece for the Tarnished's arms that is relatively early to mid-game in the game. In order to obtain them, the player must defeat the Godskin noble who is stationed at the entrance to the tower.

The Tarnished can easily defeat it by simply waiting for his roll attack to come up. As soon as the boss battle begins, the player has the option of returning to the beginning of the bridge. buy PS Elden Ring Runes is possible that they will dash out of the way in time to angle his roll up the stairs and off the railing, causing him to fall to his death, if he is lucky. After that, the player will receive the bracelets, which have an impressive holy damage negation of 3.4.

Gauntlets for Tree Sentinels

These can be found in Auriza Hero's Grave, which is located just outside Leyndell, the Erdtree's home and the Royal Capital to the east. Tarnished must destroy the chariots in the ramped room by colliding them into one another in order to obtain the gauntlets. To accomplish this, the player must proceed through the area until he or she reaches a pillar of fire. If you hit this pillar, it will cause a third chariot to appear further down the road.

It should be possible for the Tarnished to teleport back to the site of grace at the beginning of the game and return to the room with the multiple chariots at this point. The Tarnished will receive the gauntlets, as well as an Ash of War called Ground Stomp, as a reward for their efforts. In terms of resisting holy damage, the Tree Sentinel Gauntlets outperform the Godskin Noble Gauntlets, which have a damage negation of 3.5.

Apostle Bracelets made of Godskin

In the Divine Tower of Caelid's lower level, you can find the best arm-based armor for resisting holy damage. In order to obtain these bracelets, you must descend the inside of the tower and defeat the Godskin Apostle who is waiting in the basement of the building.

In spite of the fact that he is a powerful boss for the Caelid area, he can be quite vulnerable to a variety of multi-hit spells and attacks because of his poor poise. This should provide Tarnished with a window of opportunity to land critical hits. He will also drop a massive 96,000 runes along with the bracelets after being defeated, which will grant Tarnished a 3.6 damage negation to holy damage. Acquiring this item early in the game will be extremely beneficial when dealing with late-game content.

Godskin Apostle Trousers with Legs

In the Divine Tower of Caelid, you can find a good mid-game piece of leg-based armor that will protect you from holy damage. Godskin Apostle Bracelets are also available for purchase. A number of theories have been advanced as to why there are these creatures made entirely of skin that are imprisoned in specific locations throughout The Lands Between. Players can learn from the descriptions of the items that they were sealed away after being stopped by Maliketh, the queen's half-brother, during their escape.

If the Tarnished are successful in defeating the Godskin Apostle in Caelid and obtaining the trousers, they will be pleased to learn that the trousers have a whopping 7.9 holy damage negation. This is certainly useful against enemies in other areas, such as Liurnia or the Mountaintop of the Giants, where this is not the case.

Greaves, the Tree Sentinel

The Tree Sentinel set is one of the best in the game for a variety of stats, including holy damage reduction, and is highly recommended. When combined with the Tree Sentinel Gauntlets, which can be found in Auriza Hero's Grave, they provide 8.1 negation for holy damage, which is understandable given the Sentinel's position in the Lands Between.

The Tree Sentinels still possess some of the grace granted by the Erdtree, which explains why they are so effective at stomping Tarnished into the ground every time the player approaches them. Only the monstrously powerful Draconic Tree Sentinel can match them in this regard. It is recommended that players arm themselves with the proper equipment before taking on one of them.

Mask for the Silver Tears on the Head

The Mimic Tear is widely regarded as one of the most powerful Spirits in the cheap PS Elden Ring Runes community, and its summoning is highly recommended. And what's better than a Tarnished one in this case, you might wonder. Two of them are tarnished. Being decked out in the same color scheme as one's favorite Spirit is, unsurprisingly, a fashionable choice.

Cheap XBOX Elden Ring Runes is possible to obtain the Silver Tear Mask by defeating the Mimic Tear boss in Nokron, Eternal City, which can be done by the Tarnished.5.3 holy damage negation is provided by this helmet, which is exceptional. Keep in mind, however, that while this helmet greatly increases the wearer's arcane stat by 8,  will also significantly reduce the Tarnished's physical damage. As a result, if you're using a Strength build, the Tarnished will probably want to pass on this one as well.

Crown of Envoys

This bizarre headpiece, which can be found in one of the game's final Legacy Dungeons, has the ability to boost all bubble-based skills while also providing a significant holy damage negation boost. Envoy Crown can be found in Miquella's Haligtree, which can be reached from the north of the Consecrated Snowfield, and is particularly difficult to find.

While exploring the Haligtree Canopy on the Tarnished's arrival, the Tarnished discovers the Crown on the body of a corpse at one of its longer branches in the immediate vicinity. It provides 5.5 holy damage negation, making buy XBOX Elden Ring Runes more effective than the Silver Tear Mask.

Lionel's Armor is kept in this chest.

Unsurprisingly, one of the most powerful pieces of armor in the game also happens to be one of the most effective against holy damage. The Tarnished can find Lionel's entire armor set in the Leyndell capital city, near the lower capital church site of grace, on a bed in the lower capital church site of grace. This set of armor is ideal for strength builds, and as a result, it is one of the heaviest pieces of armor available.

Lionel The Lionhearted certainly proved his worth when he assisted the player during the Radahn Festiva while wearing this armor, which provides 13.5 holy damage negation. Because of his relationship with Fia, The Deathbed Companion, this character has interesting lore implications as well as being a compelling character.

Robe de la Maid de doigts

It would be beneficial for any Tarnished who has ever wished to be just like one of the Finger Maidens, who assist with the guidance of the Two Fingers, to be aware that their robe significantly reduces the effects of holy damage. This item can be found inside the Church of Inhibition, which is located north of the Frenzied Flame Village. The armor set can be found directly behind the site of grace, which is located directly behind the Finger Maiden Robe.

When wearing this robe, you can negate 13.8 for holy damage, making  an excellent addition to the arsenal of an Intelligence or Faith build. This option would also be excellent for those who want to dress more like Melina and be more fashionable while exploring The Lands Between.

Armor from the Crucible Tree

When it comes to protecting oneself against holy damage in Elden Ring runes for sale, equipping the Crucible Tree Armour is probably the most effective method available. The Deeproot Depths, which can be accessed through the Siofra Aqueduct after defeating the Valiant Gargoyle and resting in a coffin, contain the entirety of the set.

They can be found in a chest behind Crucible Knight Siluria, who is considered to be one of the most feared of the intimidating crucible knights. Fighting Siluria is a worthwhile endeavor, however, because the Crucible Tree Armor is the most resistant single piece of armor available for fending off holy damage. A knight who served Godfrey, the first Elden Lord, would have a negation of 14.5, which is appropriate for him.
