What Is the Best Compensation Strategy?

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A compensation plan outlines your organization's approach to determining employee pay and benefits. Select where, how, and what to compete for.Your compensation strategy is the foundation of your plan. With a robust program, your company can swiftly make intelligent pay decisions.

Employee satisfaction, organizational culture, and even the financial line are all impacted by pay strategy. Here are five steps to build a compensation strategy and be more strategic with your comp expenditure

Consider your company's culture, business plan, and HR strategy

Your organization's culture comprises the beliefs and behaviours that together determine how and why it runs. The business strategy is the blueprint executives establish to help you reach specific mission or business goals. Because you'll need people to make this happen, your HR strategy should include a plan to recruit, motivate, and retain the appropriate personnel at the right moment. These elements should guide your compensation plan.

Decide what to award

Returning to your corporate culture, identify the behaviours you wish to reward with salary raises. Do you reward top achievers with more extraordinary raises? (Our Compensation Best Practices Report cites performance as the principal reason for merit pay increases.) Do you value loyalty and hence rewarding tenure? Do you love specific talents or certifications so highly that you want to encourage staff to achieve them? Or will you award a mix of these?

Organizations increasingly reward employees based on their talents rather than conventional characteristics like tenure, education, or years of industry experience.

This is becoming increasingly typical in fast-changing industries like IT, healthcare, and manufacturing. Retention and recruiting are generally top priorities in these sectors.

These firms know that skilled individuals are in great demand and must pay a premium to attract and keep them.

Using talents to decide remuneration also allows for better dialogues with employees. "Here are the qualities we value in your position, and your wage is based on the market value of these skills," says a manager to his direct report.

Prepare your compensation plan by understanding the talents required in each department and function and which are mission-critical to your firm. Then inform everyone engaged in pay decisions about your intentions.

Examine your talent pool

When pricing their work, LiveWebTutors clients frequently state that they only wish to compare themselves to companies of comparable size. But talent competition is usually considerably broader.

For starters, employment abounds in all industries. Similarly, enterprises entering a new labour market typically have a rippling impact on compensation throughout the size spectrum (think Amazon and their network of distribution centres across the country).

That doesn't mean you have to copy larger companies or industries to compete for top personnel.

Still, you should be aware of what's going on and discuss it with critical internal stakeholders.

Consequently, it would help if you decided on the industry, size, revenue, and location(s) you will utilize to benchmark your compensation approach.

Balance what you can afford with what you want to accomplish

Comp strategy also includes how competitively you expect to pay—the percentile in the market where you want to pay skilled employees—and if it should vary by job function, level, geography, or other factors. The CBPR revealed that 54% of top-performing firms pursue a competitive market percentile (i.e., those where a scarcity of qualified talent is driving up pay).

Make sure your plan is affordable by crunching the math. Then ask yourself if it's the correct move for your company right now, even if you can afford it. Where does variable pay fit?

79 per cent of top-performing enterprises and 70% of all organizations questioned in the 2021 CBPR use variable compensation.

You may not need to seek a higher percentile depending on your market.

However, many organizations want to pay more to compete in the fight for talent but cannot afford it, as my small business and non-profit customers constantly tell me. In these circumstances,

We urge clients to be realistic when defining their comp plan, truthful when communicating it, and excited about everything else they provide that makes them an employer of choice.


Now that you've made it this far, don't forget the most crucial step: securing your executives' approval. Companies believe that remuneration is becoming more essential to CEOs, emphasizing the relationship between pay and total business performance. Remind your executives to regularly assess your organization's current and where you want to go tomorrow and create a comp plan that can change with your business.

Compensation is critical in today's competitive employment market, where employees have more negotiation power and access to wage information than ever. What you pay, how you pay, and why matters in retaining and attracting top personnel. For any help with Management Assignment Help, you must get in touch with LiveWebTutors.
