Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum fume extractor

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vacuum fume extractor

The vacuum fume extractor is one of the many dust collectors with a special purpose, and it has superior characteristics than other dust collectors.

1. Compared with other dust collectors, vacuum fume extractor has the following advantages: (1) Under the condition of consuming the same energy, the dust removal efficiency of vacuum fume extractor is higher than that of dry type, and high-energy vacuum fume extractor is still comparable to dust as small as 0.1μm. High efficiency; ⑵vacuum fume extractor is suitable for processing high temperature, high humidity flue gas and viscous dust. In these cases, the use of dry dust collectors is often limited by various conditions; (3) many harmful gases can be purified by wet methods, so in these cases vacuum fume extractor can dedust and purify harmful gases at the same time. In order to purify harmful gases more effectively, other liquids can be used instead of water according to the properties of harmful gases. ⑷vacuum fume extractor has a simple structure, low one-time investment, small metal consumption and less floor space.

2. Compared with the advantages, vacuum fume extractor also has some disadvantages. We need to fully understand vacuum fume extractor. The vacuum fume extractor has the following disadvantages: (1) The mud discharged from the vacuum fume extractor should be treated, otherwise it will cause secondary pollution; (2) When the corrosive gas is purified, the chemical corrosion is transferred to the water, so the sewage system should use anti-corrosion materials Protection; (3) Not suitable for hydrophobic dust; for sticky dust, it is easy to block pipes, blades, etc.; (4) Compared with dry dust collectors, it requires water consumption and is difficult to handle. Antifreeze measures should be adopted in cold areas.

vacuum fume extractor
