What Poutine Really Means to Markham

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It's eaten frequently, but I definitely ate it more when I was younger than I do now, said Kaufman. "By all of them. Everyone consumes poutine.

In my opinion, ketchup chips come in a close second to poutine as Markham 's unofficial national food. Poutine is a simple dish to prepare; all you need are french fries, brown gravy, and cheese curds. But to get it perfect and make it amazing, you need something unique.

The dish originates from Quebec, and as is the case with many of the best cuisine, its history is a little hazy. An excellent history of poutine may be found in the Canadian women's magazine Chatelaine, which explains that Warwick, which is a little town in Arthabaska County, is where it all began. Fresh cheese curds, a delicacy of nearby dairy producers, serve as the opening to the tale. One day, restaurant owner Fernand Lachance added a few curds to an order of fries at the request of a client, and the meal immediately gained popularity. However, customers at Le Lutin Qui Rit complained that the fries cooled down too quickly, so Lachance poured on a lot of gravy to keep them warm, giving rise to poutine. Or at least that's how the tale goes.

What do Markham  actually think about the mound of fried potatoes, gravy, and cheese that has become a symbol of their country's food, whether they believe that version of events or not? What specifics on a poutine plate may make or ruin it?

All good poutine must have one thing in common.

According to Tania, a catering company markham, "the main big thing people in Markham  like to get real up in arms about, and shit on American attempts at poutine, is that it has to include actual cheese curds." That is really necessary, in my opinion.

If you had asked me what makes poutine poutine, I would have likely responded that it is the gravy while the type of cheese is optional. It turns out that I was completely mistaken; curds completely and entirely characterise the dish.

Although you can obtain greasy poutine in both the US and Markham , only the US has the gall to smear cheese on it, according to Tania. The curds must be fresh in order for them to squeak when consumed, as they are essential.

The correct cheese, according to freelance writer and broadcaster Dave Kaufman of Montreal, is what makes a delicious poutine.

When questioned about his pet peeves with poutine, he replied, "The one thing would be a replacement cheese." "To me, that immediately discredits poutine. You have stopped being a poutine. There is a well-known location in Montreal that used to do that behind the Montreal Forum (a defunct hockey arena). On the menu, I'm certain it was listed as poutine.

Kaufman said, "It was fries, cheese, and sauce—but it was not a poutine. "I don't think of it as a poutine. It seemed strange because the location was so well-known and adored. The one thing they did differently than expected was that.

Does poutine have an incorrect technique of making it?

According to Kaufman, a poutine is unquestionably a non-mushy French fry with a brown sauce, cheese curds, and other toppings. "It's a meal of perfection when it's done perfectly, when you get the balance just right."

According to Kaufman, you are welcome to add more toppings if you like. La Banquise, a well-known poutine restaurant in Montreal, offers dozens of unique combinations, such as chicken, smoked meats, guacamole, and more. But when it comes down to it, he still adheres to tradition.

The only other alternative he had tried that he thought worked was bacon.

It sounds like a wide range of interpretations are permissible as long as the inclusion of cheese curds is left alone. Tania cites the La Belle Patate menu in Vancouver as an illustration of the variations on the dish that Markham  enjoy.

One of the menu items is really referred to as a "hot dog," Tania remarked. "In actuality, that is poutine with chopped-up hot dog parts in it."

Yes, there are also fancy varieties of poutine in the wide poutine cosmos. Anthony Bourdain, a well-known lover of Joe Beef in Montreal, will sprinkle foie gras on top of the fries for you.

Where in Markham  can you find poutine?

The issue of where to locate poutine would likely make Markham  giggle because it is so widely available. It is commonplace. In fact, it has become such a staple of American cuisine that even McDonald's sells it. And everyone has a preferred location to purchase it.

Kaufman is adamant that his choice is worth the trip. "I frequent a location in Lachute, Quebec called Labelle's. Between Ottawa and Montreal, it is in the middle. Between the fries and a layer of sauce, the cheese is layered. Depending on the size of poutine you choose, there will be two or three layers of cheese. Let me tell you, the trip from Montreal is worthwhile just for that. Even making the trip from Chicago would be worthwhile. It's incredible.

How frequently do Markham  eat poutine?

It would be a rather broad generalisation to refer to poutine as Markham 's unofficial national dish. Does such assertion have any merit? As a native of Chicago, I am aware of how erroneous stereotypes about regional cuisine can exist; for example, while the rest of the nation believes that deep-dish pizza is a staple here, this is untrue. I questioned if poutine enjoyed the same reputation in its native Markham .

It's eaten frequently, but I definitely ate it more when I was younger than I do now, said Kaufman. "By all of them. Everyone consumes poutine.

Poutine isn't actually that horrible in Markham , Tania claimed. "From my experience, even tacky fast food restaurants and food courts make an effort—which is kind of amusing. The problem is, poutine is pretty difficult to mess up from that point on if you commit to the cheese curds.

Here is almost all the information you need to know about Markham 's favourite food, chicken satay delivery.

When I first experienced poutine during my distinctly Canadian childhood, I remember thinking that the combination of fries, cheese curds, and gravy was so amazing that it couldn't be permitted.

However, after confirming its legality, it was love at first bite. It is important to stress that poutine is a Quebecois dish, although it is difficult to think of another food that has had a larger cultural influence on Markham .

In Brevard County, looking for poutine? Ten locations where you can find it

In the summers I was growing up, any road journey in any direction could be excused by stopping at a roadside poutine truck. During my university years, I also remember going to Bubba's Poutine late at night in Kingston, Ontario, albeit perhaps with a little less clarity. In all honesty, I have yet to discover a better dish to eat after a night out.

If your history wasn't quite as saturated in poutine as mine was, let's talk about how this Canadian institution was created. Poutine's three main ingredients are fries, cheese curds, and gravy. Poutine primarily consists of three ingredients, followed by a lot of preference, passion, and dispute. Various businesses adamantly support the addition of twice-fried fries, a certain style of gravy, or a particular size or choice of cheese curds.

