Format For Press Releases That Secures Media Coverage

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A good press release is an essential tool for any business. It can help you build buzz around your company, get more eyeballs on your product or service, and even get people excited about your company's next big announcements

Press release format that ensures media coverage

A good press release is an essential tool for any business. It can help you build buzz around your company, get more eyeballs on your product or service, and even get people excited about your company's next big announcements. But a bad press release format can sink you faster than a sinking ship. That's why I've put together this guide to writing effective press releases. By following my tips, you'll be able to craft the perfect pitch that gets media coverage—and trust me: it's worth it!


  • The headline is a key piece of content that will be used by editors and journalists. It must be catchy, short and specific to get attention from the audience.

  • You can also use headings as subheads or bullet points in order to provide extra information about your press release. Make sure you're clear about what each heading means so its meaning stands out from the rest of your text!


A subhead is a short line of text that appears under the complete headline of a press release. It offers additional information about the story and should not be used for advertising or promotional material.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your subheads no more than 80 characters long, so they don't get cut off on smaller screens like mobile phones and tablets.


The Dateline is the name of your city, and it should be in bold. It should also be at the top of your press release example


An introduction is the first sentence of your press release. It should be written in a way that draws readers in and makes them want to read more.

When writing an introduction, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use active voice. In other words, take an action verb like “address” or “recruit” instead of using passive verbs like “was addressed” or “was recruited."

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs when possible. A good rule of thumb is no more than three sentences per paragraph; if you need more space for important information, break down your thoughts into smaller chunks instead of writing every thought out loud (which will make it difficult for readers).


The body of your press release template should include a brief summary of the news, plus a list of what's new and unique about it. You can also include some reasons why this story is important to your audience. For example, if you're releasing an animal-rights organization's report on how farmed animals are treated in China, you might say something like: "The Chinese government has been criticized for failing to protect its animals from abuse at factory farms."

You should also include details about those involved with making this story happen—what role did each person play? Who else was present when the event occurred? What were their roles in helping make sure that these important facts came together into one cohesive piece of writing?

Finally, think about what consequences may arise from publishing such information publicly (for example: Do people need more education on issues surrounding animal welfare?).


Boilerplate is the information that is repeated in every press release. It's at the end of your press release, and it should be no more than one paragraph.

Boilerplate includes:

  • A summary of the most important information about your company or project (this can include a link to an official website or social media profile)

  • Contact information for you, as well as other key people who might be able to answer questions about what you're doing

  • A statement about how long ago you started working on this project and when it's expected to be finished

Media Contact Section

The media contact section is where you list the names, titles and email addresses of the people who will be receiving your press release sample

You can include up to five contacts here:

  • A list of appropriate reporters or editors who might be interested in covering your story.

  • An email address for each reporter/editor that they can use with questions about how to set up interviews or other media coverage opportunities. Some reporters may prefer phone calls; this is fine as long as they can get back in touch within 24 hours with an answer (and preferably sooner). If you don’t know their preferred method, ask! It’s better than leaving out an important piece of information like this because it could lead to delays and misinterpretations later on down the road when it comes time for publication deadlines again—that would be real bad news for everyone involved!

Learn how to write a press release so you get media coverage.

The purpose of a press release is to inform reporters about your company, products or services. A well-written press release will increase your chances of getting coverage in newspapers, radio and television stations, magazines and websites.

You can use a press release to:

  • Introduce yourself and your business by providing a brief background on who you are and what makes you different from other companies;

  • Tell readers why they should care about what you’re doing;

  • Describe how much money was raised in order for them to understand how important the cause is (if applicable);

The most important thing when writing a press release is that it needs to be free flowing with short paragraphs instead of long blocks of text which makes it difficult for readers' eyes not only read but also comprehend what they just read!


With the right format, your news release example will be easy to read and get published in a variety of media outlets. Use this advice when writing your next release, then submit it for publication.

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