The dos and don'ts of designing an effective IVR calling system

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IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technology can be used to expedite customer service and cut contact centre costs, but menu selections must be clear and succinct to be useful. NLP can help identify the caller's purpose.

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a technology that allows callers to interact with a computerized phone system using voice or touch-tone keypad inputs. An effective IVR system can help businesses streamline their customer service and reduce call center costs. Here are some dos and don'ts of designing an effective IVR calling system:


1.Do keep your IVR menu options concise and clear

When designing an effective IVR calling system, it's essential to keep the menu options concise and clear, making sure they are easy to understand and follow. Customers want to quickly and easily find the information they need or complete the task they called in for, so an overly complicated or confusing IVR system can quickly lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction.

2.Do make it easy for customers to reach a live agent

Making it easy for customers to reach a live agent is a crucial aspect of providing excellent customer service. One of the ways to achieve this is by providing an option to transfer the call to a customer service representative at any time during the call.

3.Do use natural language processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a powerful technology that can be used to make Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems more conversational and human-like. Here are some ways to elaborate on how NLP can be used to achieve this:

  • Understanding customer intent: NLP can help IVR calling systems to understand the intent behind a customer's request, allowing them to route the call more efficiently. For example, if a customer asks to speak to a live agent, the IVR software can quickly route the call to the appropriate team without the need for the customer to navigate a complicated menu.
  • Responding in a human-like manner: NLP can be used to make IVR software sound more natural by using language that mimics human conversation. This approach can make customers feel more at ease and more likely to engage with the system. For instance, using phrases like "How may I assist you?" instead of "Please choose an option from the menu" can make the system feel more like a conversation with a human agent.

4.Do test your IVR system thoroughly before implementing it.
Testing an IVR system before implementing it is crucial to ensure that it meets the needs of customers and is easy to use and understand. Here are some ways to elaborate on how to test an IVR system thoroughly:

  • Conduct user testing: User testing involves inviting a group of users to test the IVR system and provide feedback on their experience. This feedback can be used to identify any issues with the system and make improvements before the system is implemented. User testing can help identify issues with navigation, language, and usability.
  • Test for different scenarios: IVR calling system should be tested for different scenarios to ensure that they can handle various customer requests. This could include testing for different types of inquiries, different languages, and different levels of complexity.

5.Do provide a way for customers to give feedback about their experience with the IVR system. 

Providing a way for customers to give feedback about their experience with the IVR system is essential to ensure that the system meets their needs and is easy to use. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to gather feedback:

  • Identify issues and areas for improvement: Customer feedback can help you identify issues and areas for improvement in your IVR software. By listening to customer feedback, you can learn about the pain points of using the system, such as difficulty in navigating the menu, long wait times, or unclear prompts.
  • Improve the customer experience: Feedback can help you make changes to the IVR system that will improve the customer experience. By addressing the issues identified in customer feedback, you can create a more efficient and user-friendly system, resulting in higher customer satisfaction levels.


1.Don't overload the IVR system with too many options. 

When designing an IVR system, it's important to keep in mind that customers want to get through the menu options as quickly and easily as possible. Having too many options can overload the system and create confusion for customers. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to keep the number of menu options to a minimum:

  • Reduce customer frustration: Too many menu options can be overwhelming and frustrating for customers. This can lead to customers dropping out of the system before reaching the option they need, or becoming frustrated with the system and the company as a whole. By keeping the number of menu options to a minimum, you can make the system more user-friendly and improve customer satisfaction levels.
  • Increase efficiency: A streamlined IVR system with a limited number of options can increase efficiency and reduce call handling times. This can lead to cost savings for the company and a better experience for customers, who can quickly reach the option they need without having to navigate through multiple menus.

2.Don't force customers to listen to lengthy messages before they can choose an option. 

When customers call a company's IVR system, they are typically looking for quick and efficient service. Lengthy messages can be frustrating and time-consuming, which can lead to dissatisfaction with the company's service. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to keep IVR messages short and to the point:

  • Respect customer's time: Customers want to reach their desired option as quickly as possible. Lengthy messages force customers to wait before they can make a selection, which can lead to frustration and lower satisfaction levels. By keeping messages short and to the point, you can show customers that you respect their time and value their call.
  • Improve system efficiency: Short messages can also help improve the efficiency of the IVR system. By reducing the time it takes for customers to navigate through the system, you can increase the number of calls that can be handled and reduce wait times.

3.Don't make it difficult for customers to reach a live agent. 

When customers are calling a company's IVR system, there may be times when they need to speak with a live agent for more complex issues or to receive a personalized response. If it is difficult for customers to reach a live agent, it can lead to frustration and lower satisfaction levels. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to make it easy for customers to reach a live agent:

  • Offer easy access to representative option: It's important to make the option to speak to a live agent easy to find in the menu. If the option is hidden deep in the menu or difficult to locate, it can lead to frustration and wasted time for customers.
  • Provide the option at the start: One way to make it easy for customers to reach a live agent is to provide the option at the start of the menu. This allows customers to quickly and easily connect with a representative without having to navigate through multiple options.

4.Don't use complex language or technical jargon in the IVR menu. 

When designing an IVR system, it's important to use language that is easy to understand for all customers. Using complex language or technical jargon can lead to confusion, frustration, and lower satisfaction levels. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to keep the IVR menu simple and easy to understand:

  • Make it accessible for everyone: The IVR system is designed to serve all customers, regardless of their background, education, or expertise. Using complex language or technical jargon can make it difficult for some customers to navigate the system and understand the available options.
  • Show customer-centricity: Using simple and easy-to-understand language in the IVR menu shows that the company is customer-centric and focused on delivering a positive customer experience. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5.Don't forget to update the IVR system regularly. 

Keeping an IVR software updated is essential for ensuring that it provides accurate and relevant information to customers. As businesses grow and change, their products, services, and processes can evolve as well. Here are some ways to elaborate on why and how to update the IVR system regularly:

  • Provide accurate information: Keeping the IVR system updated with the latest information ensures that customers receive accurate and relevant information. This can help to reduce frustration and dissatisfaction by providing up-to-date information on products, services, and other important information.
  • Improve efficiency: By updating the IVR system regularly, businesses can improve the efficiency of the system. For example, adding new options or routes to different departments can help to reduce wait times and streamline the customer experience.

Wrapping it up

Choosing the right IVR system and setting it up is a crucial step for any business looking to improve its IVR calling systems. It's important to keep in mind that it's not a one-time process and requires regular reviews and updates. This is where the expertise of a best IVR service provider like Office24by7 comes in.

Office24by7 experts are well-versed in the latest call center technology and knows how to make the most of IVR systems. They can help increase the efficiency of your business and improve existing practices.

If you're interested to know more about how Office24by7 can help your business optimize its IVR software operations, give them a call at +91 7097171717 or drop an email at [email protected]. They are always happy to answer any questions and provide more information on their services.
