What is Mastarix (Drostanolone Propionate)?

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Dromostanolone is a synthetic androgen, or male hormone, similar to testosterone. Dromostanolone works by binding to androgen receptors; this causes it to interact with parts of the cell involved in protein production.

Product Description

Masteron side effects is a unique anabolic steroid in that it is derived from dihydrotestosterone. It is tweaked by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position. This structural change is what makes it anabolic and what makes it work the way it does.

Drostanolone Propionate Injection is exceptionally all the rage in bodybuilding. This makes him an excellent choice as a finisher during a cycle. Drostanolone propionate is especially a good choice with flavoring compounds like testosterone and dianabol because it works synergistically to counter estrogen-based water weight.


Doses seen are normally 100mg every 4-5 days. Drostoprim is not hepatotoxic, so liver damage is unlikely. High blood pressure and Methenolone Enanthate are not a problem as there is no water or salt retention and the estrogen level is kept low. The main problem is acne and possible accelerated hair loss because dihydrotestosterone is very close to the androgen receptors in the skin, especially those on the scalp.

Side effects

Side effects of Nandrolone phenylpropionate Propionate are very rare and uncommon, such as:

Hair loss
Mental changes: depression, anxiety, anger, aggression
general tiredness


Dromostanolone is a synthetic androgen, or male hormone, similar to testosterone. Dromostanolone works by binding to androgen receptors; this causes it to interact with parts of the cell involved in protein production. Masteron steroid can cause an increase in the synthesis of certain proteins or a decrease in the synthesis of others. These proteins have a variety of effects, including blocking the growth of certain types of breast cancer cells, stimulating the cells responsible for male sex characteristics, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Action mechanism

deca steroid is a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid and is approximately 5 times more potent than natural methyltestosterone. Like testosterone and other androgenic hormones, dromostanolone binds to the androgen receptor. This causes downstream genetic transcriptional changes. Ultimately, this causes retention of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; increases protein anabolism; and decreases amino acid catabolism. The antitumor activity of boldenone steroid appears to be related to the reduction or competitive inhibition of prolactin receptors or estrogen receptors or production.


Drostanolone propionate, known by the trade name masteron, is an androstane steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Methenolone Enanthate scheme for labeling atoms and rings was made according to the established notations of compounds of this class. It works the same as any androgenic steroid, being an androgen receptor agonist.

Medically, it has been used in the treatment of breast cancer, and in addition, it is often used in sports, bodybuilding and weightlifting as a performance enhancer, while providing increased protein synthesis, which is reflected in the gain of lean muscle tissue and aids. in recovery.

Nandrolone phenylpropionate Propionate is an injectable steroid, which is modified by esterification of the parent hormone at the position of the O-H hydroxyl group. Several sterilized forms of drostanolone are available on the market. These include drostanolone propionate which has been studied to treat breast cancer, drostanolone enanthate, which through microbial transformation led to the synthesis of eight potentially anti-cancer metabolites.


From drostanolone propionate, two other polymorphs were obtained by recrystallization. deca durabolin crystal structure of the starting compound was determined by powder X-ray diffraction using parallel quenching and refined by the Rietveld method, while for two single crystals the structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The steroid skeletons were found to be very similar in all three polymorphs, with the A, B, and C rings representing the saddle geometries and the envelope conformations of the D rings. The most noticeable difference in the molecular configurations was found to be at the ends of propanoic acid. .
