How to Increase Wakefulness in Sleep

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Excessive sleep caused by narcolepsy can be frustrating and bothersome. Yet, there are various techniques for those who have this problem to become more awake.

Taking a nap before going to bed can also increase the chances that you will fall asleep and stay asleep. It is also helpful to try and go to bed at the same time every night so that your body will adjust to the new schedule.

Shift workers and commercial vehicle drivers who don’t get enough sleep can also benefit from naps. This can help them avoid being drowsy during their work hours and can prevent mistakes or accidents due to poor decision-making skills.

Exercise can be very helpful for increasing wakefulness in people with waklert Australia-related excessive sleep. The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and can do regularly. Whether you decide to run, play basketball, or rock climb, finding an exercise that you enjoy can help you fight off narcolepsy-related fatigue and improve your overall health and quality of life.

Exercise is also important because it can help reduce the drowsiness associated with other symptoms of narcolepsy, such as frequent wakefulness or memory lapses. This can make a difference in how you feel throughout the day, which can then contribute to improved overall alertness and reduced sleepiness during the night.

Aside from promoting overall wellness, exercise can also help alleviate the other effects of narcolepsy-related excessive sleeping, including depression and anxiety. Getting sufficient daily physical activity can increase dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain.

While exercise can have a positive impact on sleep, it is still important to take note of any symptom flare-ups or injuries that may occur during a workout. This can include loss of balance, numbness or weakness in your extremities, and difficulty walking or talking.

If you’re noticing these issues, it’s recommended that you speak with your healthcare provider for an evaluation and possible treatment options. This can help you get a proper diagnosis and reduce the negative impacts of this disorder on your life.

Ultimately, a combination of medications and behavioral and lifestyle changes can make the most of your narcolepsy treatment plan. These include a good night’s sleep, proper meal and drink intake, and stress management strategies.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is the primary symptom of narcolepsy, but it can be accompanied by other symptoms such as hallucinations, sudden episodes of muscle weakness and a condition called cataplexy. This symptom is usually brought on by strong emotions and can include slurred speech or a complete loss of muscle tone.

Avoiding drowsy medicines

People with narcolepsy-related excessive sleep may benefit from avoiding medications that cause drowsiness. Many medications, including antihistamines and tranquilizers, list drowsiness as a side effect.

Drowsiness caused by these medications can make it difficult to drive or operate machinery safely. It can also lead to falls, especially for people who have type 1 narcolepsy (where cataplexy is common), which involves loss of muscle tone that occurs suddenly.

The best way to avoid drowsiness when you take your medication is to use it as directed. For example, you shouldn’t drink alcohol or consume caffeine (including coffee and tea) within several hours of taking your medication. And you should also avoid smoking or using tobacco products at least several hours before bedtime.

Other medicines that can cause drowsiness include antibiotics, some antidepressants and some cancer treatments. Benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin) and diazepam (Valium) can all cause drowsiness.

Narcolepsy patients should be counseled to avoid drowsy medications and make changes to their lifestyles. They should also inform their family, friends, and colleagues about their condition, so they can better understand how to deal with it and how to support them.

It’s also important for narcoleptic patients to learn how to use naps and other sleep hygiene strategies to improve their alertness. These strategies can help improve their energy levels, reduce the number of unplanned sleep attacks, and improve their quality of life.

In general, narcoleptics are more likely to experience success with medication when they combine it with other treatments, such as behavioral and lifestyle interventions. For example, taking strategic naps, eating healthy, and getting regular exercise can make people with narcolepsy more alert during the day.

Another medication that’s sometimes used is Artvigil 150 MG, which can also increase your alertness. These drugs can be taken in the morning and can help you stay awake throughout the day.
