The Mark Hughes Dilemma The Mark Hughes Dilemma

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The Mark Hughes Dilemma The Mark Hughes Dilemma

With no Premier League game this week due to the international break, I thought it would be a good opportunity Steve Carlton Jersey to write a one-off article on the managerial prospects of Mark Hughes. The blog will primarily contain my opinion on Sparky andfocus on the impact he has already had at the club, as well as describing what he can do in the future. Since this is only my opinion, any other views are extremely welcome, so feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of the page.Hughes moved from Blackburn to City in the summerFollowing the sacking of current Mexico manager Sven Goran Erikkson by former owner, and now exiled Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Mark Hughes, real name Leslie, was appointed Blues bo s on 4th June 2008. His arrival was greeted with a plethoraof views, and the City faithful seemed completely dividedin their opinions. There were those who said that someone who had played for bitter enemies Manchester United should never be put in charge of City, whilst others declared that he was a fantastic coup, having achieved miracles with former club, Blackburn Rovers. Although I was in the latter group, I was still sceptical of his appointment and only time would tell if he was the correct choice.Despite a promising first season, Sven was sackedWithin hours of his coming, Hughes declared that he wanted a radical overhaul of the staff at the club, stating that he wanted the best men for each job, thus bringing with him his trusted allies Mark Bowen, Kevin Hitchcock,and the man with a wonderful Scrabble name, Eddie Niedzwiecki. Immediately, Hughes Drew Hutchison Jersey set out to put his stamp on the side, and according to Irish midfielder Stephen Ireland, on the first day of training in pre-season, Hughes told the squad, You may not like my methods, but I can guarantee you I will make you a better player. These thoughts seem to echo the belief of many, that whilst Hughes may not be a naturally amiable chap, he will bring the best out of players, a point clearly emphasised by the remarkable metamorphosis in Ireland, who has gone in half a season from outcast to key player.Ireland has benefited from working with HughesUnle s you have been living on a different planet for the past few months, you will know that City were taken overby members of the Abu Dhabi Royal Family, thus meaning that City are now the richest club in the world. Withthis unforgiving title however, there come additional pre sures, such as winning trophies. Withthe majority of modern-day owners willing to sack the manager immmediatelyif anything goes wrong, many fans felt Hughes was walking a managerial tight-rope, with the po sibility of falling off at any time. However, fortunately for the fans, and for Hughes in particular, the owners have showed patience when results havent been great, by allowing Hughes to continue in his job without any interference. Long may this continue, and if it does, then surely the 33 year wait for a trophy will end soon.Sheikh Mansour needs to support HughesThe Blues could certainly learn a le son or two from other clubs in the Premier League, most notably Man United, on how to deal with managers. With an all too common propensity for managers to be sackedwithout being given the chance to prove themselves, ala Paul Ince at Blackburn, any poor result would be pounced upon by the media, who hoped for yet another casualty. However, inCitys case, the owners have been as good as their word so far, and have refused any notion that Hughes may be sacked. A quick look at the top of the Premier League table would tell you Odubel Herrera Jersey everything you need to know about the nece sity of stability at a club. Manchester United, for instance, are top of the table and have been there or thereabouts for well over a decade, ably managed by Sir Alex Ferguson. It is reported that the Scot was one game away from the sack when Mark Robins popped up with a last-minute goal to save the managers bacon. The rest, as they say, is history, with Ferguson remaining in charge and guiding United to countle s trophies. Moving just one place down the ladder, we arrive at Liverpool. With their eccentric manager Rafael Bentez now one of the longest serving bo ses in the Premier League, it again goes to show what patience can achieve. Numerous other teams follow this example, with Aston Villa, Everton and Arsenal being prime examples. Hopefully, chairman Khaldoon-Al-Mubarak can take heed of this and back Hughes, but only time will tell.It pains me to say it, but United are an example to followOne area where managers are heavily judged are their purchases, and in Hughess case, its a thumbs-up so far. I apologise Chuck Klein Jersey now for the concatenation of players, but its important to overview Sparkys signings and how they have adapted to life at City. Shay Given, Wayne Bridge, Nigel de Jong and Craig Bellamy were bought in January to complement the summer signings of Vincent Kompany, Pablo Zabaleta, Glauber Berti, Tal Ben-Haim, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Jo and Robinho. The vast majority of these purchases have been overwhelming succe ses, with the likes of Kompany, SWP and Zabaleta playing prominent roles this season. There hasbeen the odd exception, with Berti and Ben-Haim both now deemed surplus to requirements. I dont think there is anyone out there who can claim that Robinho was bought by Hughes, rather that he was the Pete Rose Jersey star name craved by the owners. Overall, this has been a good area for Hughes, and with more money to be spent in the summer, one can only hope that he continues to buy well.Kompany has been one of Citys best players this seasonFor me, Hughes is the right man to lead City forward in the future, having shown a good eye for signings and starting to a semble the players he wants. The owners need to give him their full backing, and if they do, then there is no reason why City cant challenge for a Champions League place next season.