What Are the 7 Essential Jiu Jitsu Workouts for Beginners?

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Jiu Jitsu, a martial art and combat sport known for its emphasis on grappling and ground fighting, has gained immense popularity over the years. It is not only an effective self-defense system but also a fantastic way to stay in shape, build discipline, and develop mental toughness. For beginners, diving into the world of Jiu Jitsu can be both exciting and intimidating. However, with the right workouts and gear, you can make your journey more enjoyable and productive. This article will outline seven essential jiu jitsu workouts for beginners and discuss the importance of wearing appropriate gear such as long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards.

1. Warm-Up and Mobility Drills

Importance of Warming Up

Before diving into the more intense aspects of Jiu Jitsu training, it is crucial to properly warm up your body. Warming up helps increase blood flow to your muscles, enhance your flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. For beginners, establishing a good warm-up routine can set the foundation for effective and safe training.

Basic Warm-Up Exercises

  • Jumping Jacks: A classic exercise that increases your heart rate and warms up your entire body.
  • Arm Circles: Helps in loosening up the shoulder joints.
  • Leg Swings: Promotes hip mobility, which is essential for executing various Jiu Jitsu techniques.
  • Hip Circles: Helps in mobilizing the hip joints and lower back.

Mobility Drills

  • Cat-Cow Stretch: Enhances spinal flexibility and helps in warming up the back muscles.
  • World’s Greatest Stretch: A full-body stretch that targets the hips, hamstrings, and upper body.
  • Scorpions: Improves hip mobility and lower back flexibility.

2. Drilling Fundamental Movements

Importance of Drilling

Drilling fundamental movements is a key component of Jiu Jitsu training. These movements form the building blocks for more advanced techniques and ensure that beginners develop a solid foundation.

Essential Movements to Drill

  • Bridging: An essential movement for escaping from bad positions such as mount or side control.
  • Hip Escapes (Shrimping): A crucial movement for creating space and regaining guard position.
  • Technical Stand-Up: A basic technique for safely getting back to your feet from the ground.

Drilling Tips

  • Repetition: The more you drill these movements, the more natural they will become.
  • Focus on Technique: Pay close attention to proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of your drills.
  • Consistency: Regular drilling helps in muscle memory development and overall improvement.

3. Positional Drilling

Importance of Positional Drilling

Positional drilling involves practicing techniques and movements from specific positions. It helps beginners understand the mechanics and strategies associated with different positions in Jiu Jitsu.

Key Positions to Drill

  • Guard: Practice maintaining and escaping from the guard position.
  • Mount: Work on maintaining mount and executing submissions.
  • Side Control: Drill transitioning to and from side control, as well as escaping from it.

Drilling Techniques

  • Guard Passes: Practice different guard passing techniques to improve your ability to control and dominate your opponent.
  • Mount Escapes: Learn and drill various mount escape techniques to enhance your defensive skills.
  • Side Control Escapes: Focus on escaping from side control using techniques such as hip escapes and bridging.

4. Partner Drills

Importance of Partner Drills

Training with a partner is essential for developing timing, sensitivity, and understanding of real-life application of techniques. Partner drills allow beginners to apply what they’ve learned in a controlled environment.

Types of Partner Drills

  • Flow Drills: Work with your partner to smoothly transition between different techniques and positions.
  • Resistance Drills: Add a bit of resistance to your drills to simulate a more realistic training environment.
  • Live Drills: Engage in live drills where both partners try to execute techniques while the other resists.

Partner Drill Tips

  • Communication: Always communicate with your partner to ensure safety and mutual understanding.
  • Controlled Intensity: Start with controlled intensity to focus on technique before gradually increasing the pace.
  • Respect: Respect your partner’s limits and be mindful of their safety.

5. Strength and Conditioning

Importance of Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning are crucial for enhancing overall performance in Jiu Jitsu. A well-rounded strength and conditioning program can improve your endurance, power, and resilience on the mats.

Essential Strength Exercises

  • Squats: Build lower body strength, which is essential for explosive movements and takedowns.
  • Deadlifts: Develops overall strength and stability, particularly in the posterior chain.
  • Pull-Ups: Enhances upper body strength, which is important for gripping and controlling your opponent.

Conditioning Drills

  • Interval Training: Improves cardiovascular endurance and mimics the high-intensity nature of Jiu Jitsu matches.
  • Circuit Training: Combines strength and conditioning exercises for a comprehensive workout.
  • Plyometrics: Boosts explosive power, essential for quick transitions and dynamic movements.

6. Technique Drilling

Importance of Technique Drilling

Drilling specific techniques is vital for mastering the finer details of Jiu Jitsu. It allows beginners to refine their skills and develop a deeper understanding of each technique.

Essential Techniques to Drill

  • Armbar: A fundamental submission technique that can be executed from various positions.
  • Triangle Choke: Another basic submission that is effective from the guard position.
  • Kimura: A versatile submission technique that can be applied from multiple positions.

Drilling Tips

  • Break Down the Technique: Focus on each step of the technique to ensure proper execution.
  • Slow and Controlled: Start slowly to understand the mechanics before increasing speed.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from your instructor or training partners to identify areas for improvement.

7. Rolling (Sparring)

Importance of Rolling

Rolling, or live sparring, is an integral part of Jiu Jitsu training. It allows beginners to apply techniques in a realistic setting, develop timing, and improve problem-solving skills under pressure.

Types of Rolling

  • Positional Sparring: Focuses on specific positions and transitions, allowing for targeted practice.
  • Free Rolling: Full sparring where both partners can use any techniques and transitions.

Rolling Tips

  • Start Slow: Begin with controlled intensity to focus on technique and positional awareness.
  • Experiment: Use rolling sessions to experiment with new techniques and strategies.
  • Reflect: After rolling, take time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t to identify areas for improvement.

The Importance of Appropriate Gear: Long Sleeve Rash Guards and Short Sleeve Rash Guards

Benefits of Rash Guards

Wearing appropriate gear, such as long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards, is essential for both safety and performance in Jiu Jitsu.


  • Skin Protection: Rash guards protect the skin from mat burns and abrasions.
  • Hygiene: They provide a barrier against bacteria and other pathogens present on the mats.


  • Compression: Rash guards offer compression, which can enhance blood flow and reduce muscle fatigue.
  • Flexibility: Designed to be flexible, rash guards allow for a full range of motion without restriction.

Choosing the Right Rash Guard

  • Fit: Ensure a snug but comfortable fit to avoid excess fabric that can be grabbed by your opponent.
  • Material: Look for rash guards made from moisture-wicking and durable materials.
  • Sleeve Length: Choose between long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards based on personal preference and training conditions.


For beginners in Jiu Jitsu, establishing a solid foundation through essential workouts is crucial for long-term success and enjoyment of the sport. Incorporating warm-up and mobility drills, drilling fundamental movements, positional and partner drills, strength and conditioning exercises, technique drilling, and rolling into your training routine will provide a comprehensive approach to developing your skills. Additionally, wearing appropriate gear such as long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards will enhance both your safety and performance on the mats.

By consistently practicing these essential Jiu Jitsu workouts and investing in the right gear, beginners can set themselves up for a rewarding and successful journey in the world of Jiu Jitsu.
