Painful Anal Fissures: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options

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Female surgeon UAE offers the latest technologies and line of treatments for Anal Fissures in Dubai. We ensure quick healing and relief from Anal Fissure Pain.

What Is an Anal Fissure?

An anal fissure is an injury to the skin around the anus. This can cause pain and bleeding when you have a bowel movement. Anal fissures are common in women during pregnancy. They’re also common in people who have chronic constipation or diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

How Long Do Symptoms Last?

Anal fissures usually heal within a few weeks. But they can also last for months. When symptoms are severe, you may need to take medicine to relieve pain and bleeding. You may also need surgery to repair the anal sphincter muscle in severe cases of anal fissure.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of an Anal Fissure?

Pain and bleeding are the most common signs of anal fissures. You may feel pain in your lower abdomen, rectum or anus when you have a bowel movement. You may also notice blood on the toilet paper after wiping or on your underwear when you do

What Causes an Anal Fissure?

Anal fissures are most often caused by a hard bowel movement or constipation. Other factors that can cause anal fissures include:

-straining during bowel movements (for example, while pushing during childbirth)

-sitting on the toilet for long periods of time without moving your bowels

-anal intercourse or other sexual activity (such as with toys) that causes irritation and bleeding in the anus

Who's Affected by Anal Fissures?

Anal fissures are a type of injury to the anus, caused by a tear in the skin, a tear in the muscle or a combination of both. The injury may be minor, or it may be so severe that it requires surgery. Anal fissures can be caused by a number of factors including childbirth, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, and constipation. The most common symptoms of an anal fissure are rectal pain, bleeding, and difficulty passing stool.

How Are Anal Fissures Diagnosed?

Anal fissures are a painful, usually temporary condition that affects the opening of the anus. There are many different symptoms of an anal fissure, which include pain, bleeding, and constipation. In order to diagnose an anal fissure, doctors will perform a digital rectal exam. They will also likely take a stool sample to test for blood and examine any tissue that is visible on the surface of the anus. If doctors find no visible signs of blood or tissue, they will most likely order a CT scan or a barium enema.

What Are the Treatment Options for Anal Fissures?

An anal fissure is a painful, often bloody, tearing in the lining of the anus. The fissure may be caused by constipation, chronic diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or other conditions that cause inflammation and swelling of the anus. Anal fissures are more common in women than in men. Symptoms include a sudden onset of sharp pain, blood or pus coming from the anus, and rectal pain that gradually increases over time. Treatment options for anal fissures include:
-Resting in a hospital bed for a few days to heal
-Taking prescription painkillers
-Taking laxatives and drinking lots of water
-Putting a warm washcloth over the fissure
-Taking oral antibiotics
-Taking a tranexamic acid that stops bleeding but before take advice by doctor

Takeaway: If you experience any of the symptoms, visit a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of the flu, it is important to visit a doctor. It is not always easy to tell if you have the flu or if you just have a cold. The symptoms can be similar, so it is best to visit your doctor to get a proper diagnosis. Your doctor will be able to give you advice on what to do and what medicines to take. They will also be able to tell you how long you should expect to feel better and when it is safe for you to return back to work.
