How to Write a Startup Press Release For a Small Business

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Writing a startup press release is difficult. It's like writing a business news article, except your job doesn't depend on it. That said, if you have a successful product that has reached the market and is ready to launch, then this post might just help you write a good startup

Small Business Startup Press Release


If you're the founder of a startup company, the media is going to want to hear about your launch. But how do you convince them? Here are five tips for writing a successful news release that will get your message out there:

Write a Compelling Headline.

You need to write a compelling headline. The best way to do this is by brainstorming with your team or simply picking up the phone and calling someone who you think will be interested in reading about your business.

You want them to come back and read more, so make sure that the headline grabs their attention right away by using one of these three strategies:

  • Include a keyword or phrase that's relevant to what you're doing (for example, "free business tools")

  • Tell them why they should care (for example, "We've been helping businesses get found online since 2014")

Get the basics down.

Once you have a rough draft of your pr news, it's time to start editing. The first thing that should come out of your mouth when reading something is: "Why am I reading this?" With any good piece of writing, there should be some reason why you're interested in what it has to say—and if the answer isn't obvious or clear enough for someone else (or yourself), then consider revising before publishing anything.

The worst thing that can happen when writing a startup press release is making something sound like an advertisement instead of informative text about your company's accomplishments and goals. It may seem like common sense at first glance; however, most people don't stop long enough before finally agreeing with me about this point!

Give your press release a compelling headline, perhaps one that summarizes the story and includes a pun or pop-culture reference.

The headline is the first thing that people will see when they read about your pr business. It should be compelling, but also short and to the point. A good way to start out is with a pun or pop culture reference. For example:

  • A company called "Dogs on Bikes" has released its latest product, which is an all-terrain dog bike seat (pictured above).

  • "It's not just cats who love napping," said one expert in this article about how much humans like catnapping too!

Write an Engaging Opening Paragraph

The first paragraph of your issue press release should be brief, but not too brief. It should explain to the reader who you are and what your business does.

It's important to make sure that this information is clear from the beginning so that readers know exactly where to go for more information about your company. You can also add an introduction like "The Importance of Having a Business Website" or something similar if there aren't any other articles related on Google search results.

Once again, try not to get too wordy here—you want people to keep reading!

The first paragraph should be brief and concise in order to grab a reader's attention. The opening paragraph should clearly explain who, what, where, when, why, and how. Make it as interesting as possible for the reader to keep them engaged.

The first paragraph should be brief and concise in order to grab a reader's attention. The opening paragraph should clearly explain who, what, where, when, why, and how. Make it as interesting as possible for the reader to keep them engaged.

As a startup company with limited resources you can use this section to show off your brand or business news today model in an engaging way that will grab their attention so they will want to learn more about your product or service offering.

Use the body to provide specific details about your startup's news topic. Use facts sparingly and give attribution where needed.

Use the body to provide specific details about your startup's news topic. Use facts sparingly and give attribution where needed.

Here’s an example of an effective press release:

  • [Startup Name] is a mobile app that helps small businesses save money on advertising costs. It allows users to create ads for their own websites, social media pages, and any other digital marketing channels they choose by simply entering a few details into an easy-to-use interface. Users can then share these ads with other users who may be interested in them or use them for themselves when creating new ones themselves!

Write an Irresistible Lead Sentence

The first sentence of your press release should be a hook. A hook is something that catches your reader's attention and makes them want to read more. It can be a question, a statement, or even an anecdote—it all depends on what you're trying to accomplish with this first sentence.

The best way to write an irresistible lead sentence is by using active verbs and short sentences (no more than three words). For example: "We are excited about our new product launch" doesn't exactly scream "buy me" does it? Instead, try something like this: "Our new product will help people lose weight faster by eating less." That is much clearer!

Your press release can reach wider audiences by making it irresistible for journalists and bloggers to share your story with their audiences. You can reach out to potential influencers on social media or leave a note for reporters with their contact info.

Your press release can reach wider audiences by making it irresistible for journalists and bloggers to share your story with their audiences. You can reach out to potential influencers on social media or leave a note for reporters with their contact info.

You should include links to specific pages of your website that provide additional information related to the story you are telling in the press release (for example, a page about how this new product has changed lives).

Add Links to Further Reading

If the article was written by a third party and is not your own work, you can add links to further reading. For example:

  • Linking to your website. This will help people find out more about what you do and how they can get in touch with you. If there are any services or products that are relevant to this article, make sure to include them here too!

  • Linking directly back to where the information was sourced from (the original source). This will give credit where credit is due while making sure all of your readers know where they can go if they want more details on whatever topic was covered by this piece of content.

  • Offering support for other sources that have been mentioned during conversations on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter etc., so users know how easy it would be if they wanted some help getting started on something similar themselves!

Adding links is also helpful to readers who want more information on a particular topic. Include links to specific pages of your website that provide additional information related to the story you are telling in the press release--and include links back to your homepage at the end of every page as well as in your navigation bar.

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Keep your press release short and sweet while still providing valuable details.

The purpose of a press release is to inform the public about your business, so keep it short and sweet. No one wants to read an essay from you, but they do want information on what you're doing.

Be sure to include at least some details about what you offer or who you are:

  • Your name (and other contact info)

  • A link back to your homepage at the end of every page as well as in your navigation bar


These tips are intended to help you write a press release that will be published in newspapers, magazines and online media outlets. It’s not an easy task to write a great story because there are so many different ways of doing it, but if you follow these steps then your end result should be a well-written piece with all the details necessary for success!

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